Dry Reckless, Orange County DUI

DUI in California is a "political" crime, because of the involvement of that very political lobby, Mothers Against Drunk Driving.  The only force between the arrested drunk driver and MADD is your Los Angeles Drunk Driving Attorney. With approximately 1,500,000 drunk driving/ dui arrests nationally, annually, MADD and its minions, the Los Angeles prosecutors, are very motivated to convict you of your first (let alone repeat) offense, and impose prospects of high monetary fines, long, state-mandated alcohol "education" programs (at your expense), community service hours -- and jail time.  Yes, these days jail time -- typically 5 to 60 days -- is a potential and pending threat after a loss at trial, even for a first offender!

Nevertheless, with a creative and energetic effort by your Los Angeles Drunk Driving Attorney to demonstrate the technical defenses in your case and your devotion to avoiding a repeat drunk driving arrest in future, it is possible to motivate a prosecutor to consider reductions and dismissals of DUI charges.  Recent cases in point:  our  Harbor Court client, a Navy Pilot with a high blood alcohol (.17%) accomplished dismissing a drunk driving charge with conviction of a lesser, non-alcohol-related "dry" reckless; our client, a young businessman with four passengers injured in his own car, earned the respect of a tough Westminster Prosecutor to have his felony DUI reduced to a simple misdemeanor, no jail or prison time; two third- offender clients, both facing significant jail time in Metropolitan and Long Beach Courts, respectively, suffered no jail time, whatsoever.  The "attitude test" is important to cops on the beat; it is equally meaningful to a prosecuting attorney: Los Angeles Drunk Driving Attorney Law Firm Gold and Witham specializes in the kind of respectful, severe legal and rehabilitatively-oriented presentation that shows your DUI case will be the last one in your history.  If the scientific and legal defenses are there, we will find them, and show the Prosecutor why you, uniquely, have earned his consideration in your DUI case. 


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